Darío Doria (Buenos Aires, 1969) estudia Diseño de Imagen y Sonido en la Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Desde 1992 trabaja como cameraman y director free lance para distintas compañías productoras realizando comerciales y documentales institucionales.
Entre 1996 y 1998 produce para la fundación dirigida por Steven Spielberg: "Shoa Foundation" más de 150 entrevistas a sobrevivientes de campos de concentración de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
En 1998 crea A4 Films (actualmente “Sudoeste Cine”) productora orientada a la realización de films documentales.
En noviembre de 2001 completa como director su primer film documental. Con apoyo de Soros Documentary Fund (USA) y del Fondo Nacional de las Artes (ARG.) "450" ha participado en diversos Festivales Internacionales de cine y video, obteniendo premios y menciones en algunos de ellos. “450” retrata la lucha de un grupo de jubilados que durante más de 10 años, todos los días miércoles, se reúnen frente al Congreso de la Nación para exigir una jubilación digna.
En agosto del 2005 y con apoyo del INCAA, estrena comercialmente “Grissinopoli”. Producido con ayuda de la Agencia Suiza para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación y declarado de interés cultural por la Secretaría de Cultura de la Nación este film documental ha sido programado en más de 30 festivales internacionales de cine, obteniendo, entre otros, el premio “Prix du Public” en Visions du reel (Festival Internacional de Cine documental de Nyon - Suiza). “Grissinopoli” cuenta como 16 trabajadores se organizan para recuperar y autogestionar la quebrada fábrica de grisines en la que trabajaron gran parte de sus vidas.
Luego de varios proyectos quedados por el camino, "ELSA y su BALLET" es su nuevo documental.

Dario Doria (Buenos Aires, 1969) studies Image and Sound Design at the University of Buenos Aires.
Since 1992 he has worked as a freelance cameraman and director for different film production companies, making advertising movies and institutional documentary films.
Between 1996 and 1998 he produces more than 150 interviews to survivors of Second World War concentration camps for "Shoa Foundation", the foundation presided over by Steven Spielberg.
In 1998 he sets up A4 Films (at present “Sudoeste Cine” --Southwest Films), production company designed to create documentary films.
In November 2001, as director, he finishes his first documentary film "450". With the support of Soros Documentary Fund (USA) and Argentina's Fondo Nacional de las Artes (Fund for the Arts of Argentina) "450" has participated in different International Film and Video Festivals, and obtained prizes and awards in some of them. 450” tells us the struggle of a group of retired pensioners who for more than 10 years had demanded decent pensions from the government; they used to gather in front of the National Congress of Argentina every Wednesday.
In August 2005 and with the support of the INCAA (Cinema and Audio Visual Arts National Institute of Argentina), “Grissinopoli” was premiered. It was produced with the aid of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, and declared object of cultural interest by the Secretary of Culture of the Argentine Nation; this documentary film has been scheduled in more than 30 international film festivals, and obtained, among others, the prize “Prix du Public” in Visions du reel (International Documentary Film Festival Nyon - Switzerland). “Grissinopoli” tells the story of 16 workers who organize in order to recover and self-manage a breadsticks (grisines) factory that has gone into bankruptcy. It is the company for which they have worked most of their lives.
After several projects had been left behind, "ELSA y su BALLET" (Elsa and her Ballet) is his new documentary film.